it was raining again this morning so I set to cleaning through the boat ready for Helen coming back to the boat. I started with cleaning out the stove. I will need to re-cement in the stove pipe into the top of the stove. The cement is loose but I haven't seen any smoke coming out of the joint, or the CO alarm go off either. How ever this morning, and a couple of times over the last couple of weeks one of the alarms has been beebing. It should indicate that the battery is flat. I have tested them both and they both indicate that they are in good condition. When it beebs it does so for about 15 minutes and then stops. This is when the stove is not lit! I think I will err on the side of caution and change the batteries anyway.

These are our alarms.
I have been trying to plan a little for the next few weeks as people seem to want to know where we will be and when. To be honest I also like to know roughly where I will be so that I can book train tickets to go home and visit my Mum. There will be a big rush I reckon when Holmes Lock on the Trent is opened after extensive work. It is supposed to be completed by mid May which wont worry us, but if rumours of it dragging on long term then it may cause a change of plan for us.
At five I thought I would pop out and get the fresh stuff ready that we will need before we pop off after she gets back. Aldi's is just next door so I managed to stagger back with the bags. I note that many people have the supermarkets deliver to their boats around the system. I must say that we have never felt the need for it as yet as we just get stuff when we can and I can't say that we have ever gone hungry. We do make sure that when in towns and cities we make use of those big shops like B&Q and Wilko that you don't get out in the country but there is always places to get food. I haven't resorted to a 'shopper' yet as I seem to manage a couple of bags full. No sense and no feeling I suppose. Maybe not too long before I make use of all these tools to assist though. I have even got my Mum to use the delivery system so it can't be that bad.
I had better scrub up myself as well as the boat for tomorrow when Helen gets back. Looking forward to that greatly.
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