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Sunday 16 June 2024

Bumbling along to Braunston.

 In honour of Fathers Day we had a lay-in, and didn't get underway until 10 am. Mind you I think everybody had the same idea as unusually only a couple of boats passed before we got underway.

This sort of sums up the day, beautiful blue sky and sun with frequent big black clouds going over, but no rain.

We were soon at Hillmorton Locks. The voluntary Lock keepers were having a very busy time chatting.

A lot of miles but to where?

Always looks like an interesting spot to visit, but never have.
Just before the reaching The Wharf we passed under these two high railway bridges. Both were London and North Western co. tracks, the first to Northampton and the second to London. Both electrified. Why are no liners electrified to Hull in this day and age. Where is leveling up?

These cattle just opposite Dunchurch Pools Marina Entrance were expecting the worst, but no, they were wrong. It continued to be sunny.

From Barby Moorings to Willoughby Wharf the old Great Central Railway runs parallel to the canal. The Original name for the company was the Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Railway. They changed the name in 1897 as they were opening a London Extension. This was for fast traffic only and opened in 1899. It was the last complete mainline to be built until HS1 in 2003. The Sheffield  to London steam hauled expresses were also the fastest on the network. Other routes took preference and the line was closed completely in 1969. I had a memory of seeing a signal and there it was, a concrete one that I hope you can make out in the photo.

Helen took my photo as I was munching away on my Fathers Day treat of M&S Chocolate Cashew nuts.

As the weather was so nice we decided to moor up for a few hours so Helen could catch some rays, and turn a few pages of her book, whilst I caught up with some sanding and painting and several other little jobs. A nice quiet spot to remember for the future.

We got back underway just after 16:00 and headed off to Braunston, just pootling along. The junction wasn't busy at this time and there were even mooring spaces along the way.

We are having a bit of work done at Braunston Marina tomorrow so turned in and moored up just after 17:00 in bright sun. We will see what happens with the football and tomorrow.

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