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Thursday 19 July 2018

Birds, Beasts and Bracken.

We were off again at a decent hour of the morning. It was strangely overcast in the morning. It seems ages since we hadn't woken up to sun in our eyes. But it was still warm.

Bridge No.2 is another lift bridge and is actually called Stark's Bridge. It is not only Grade II* Listed due to it being a rare example of it being on the skew, but it is also a registered Ancient Monument!

The Toll House at the junction is actually three stories with the lower level below the canal.

This small dutch barn was infilled at one end and this sign indicated that it was a pigeon loft. I have never seen any exercising or sitting around the area.

Close by I just managed to get this quick shot of a bird carrying off a kill. The catch looked like a mole, but could have been a rat I suppose, and I'm afraid there are few birds of prey that I can distinguish as you never really get to see them close up and they all look like 'hawks; from a distance!

At Platt Lane the gardner has put a lot of effort into producing the 'Bridge 43' mini hedge that is quite striking but must take a little time to keep trim and tidy.

Alot of farmers provide access to the canal for stock on many canals. I have often wondered what arrangements they have with C&RT regarding water extraction and bank maintenance.

The bracken is at full height at the moment and provides good hedging at the moment. It always takes me back to my school days as we used to roam about with our bikes in the country and in fields park and rough land. Bracken was always a great place to hide. I can smell it now, and I also recall the many cuts to my hands as I tried to pull the stems.

This dead tree in the middle of a a field stood out starkly against the sky line. It was good to see that it had been left standing and not grubbed out to  make the planting and harvesting of the field easier.

We stopped for the day before Grindley Brook and once again had a nice easy afternoon. By the time we had out tea there wan't a mooring left.

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