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Monday, 25 June 2018

Home for a busy time.

After a quiet night at Christleton we had a short stretch to do to make it to Tattenhall Marina. We were popping home for a week as we had loads of stuff to do.

We had a letter to post so went to find the post box and looking back from the bridge the water looks frozen! It has been so dry that dust is everywhere, including 'Holderness', especially after mooring anywhere near a road. There is an awful lot of tree pollen about at the moment too.

I love the Bridge by Waverton, Egg Bridge, as they have kept the ornate light furniture. It makes me think of the a horror film in old London or Edinburgh. It says that this bridge was built in 1937, replacing to original from 1770, so it is even more strange that the old lights were placed there.

Just after the bridge is an old mill that was steam driven to produce flour from wheat brought up from Ellesmere Port. It was built before 1850 and was called the Victoria Mill and is apartments now. Waverton was a little industrial hub with coal, lime and cement depots as well as a rubber works.

If there is anywhere on the system that tries your patience in tick over for prolonged periods it has to be when passing the Golden Nook moorings! On a nice day like to day it is not so bad but when it teeming down and blowing across the cut it is difficult to edge the revs up a bit. Mind you it seems that some do it more than others as it was interesting to see the boats ahead pulling away quite quickly from us!

It wasn't too long before we slotted in to a berth on the temporary moorings and go the boat ship shape. I had to leave just after lunch to catch the bus that took me back to Chester. from there I went to Stockport, Sheffield and Hull and everything was on time until a ship decided to pass up river on the Ouse to Howdendyke so we were about 12 mins late arriving in Hull.

I stayed home over night before heading back with the car. 2 hours 20 mins there and the same back again. I managed to cut the grass that evening. We have been very busy whilst at home but I found time to lay in some rhubarb gin and after not having any lemons on the boat and then getting home and not having any citric acid I finally got some at WILCO's and the elderflower cordial was put to soak. This year I went for adding oranges and lemons too.

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